Trail Conditions

Electrical Issues/Electoral Issues

Bucky did groom Red, Yellow and Blue yesterday but only after a trip to the mechanic with groomer and skidoo-quite an effort in itself- to try to fix the jacks which raise and lower the tracksetter(which makes the grooves) and the teeth(which grind up the snow)- only one was working which meant he had to keep unplugging one and plugging in the other. No grooming today as the repair efforts continue. And on the Electoral front, there has been considerable concern that the process and results of the elctoral reform soon to be be enacted are both undemocratic and unfair, so there will be demonstrations today and tomorrow at noon in front of Town Hall to ask the province to consider invoking some democracy- for further details see Carol Cooke’s note below. So as we watch the travesty unfolding in the Ukraine, perhaps we should exercise the freedoms we still enjoy. Cheers,