My apologies if anyone ventured out to the trails yesterday, though in the morning I was the Lone Ranger on the trails. The glide was an exhilarating 3.5/4, the grip negligible, and the track catchy, though if you were going fast enough velocity easily overcame friction. I did fall once- after a quick wee wee I put my skis back in the rutted track but took a quick look behind to ensure no members of the Full Moon Trail Patrol were writing up a citation(talk about the pot calling the kettle black), and as the bulk of me headed toward the Birches dreaming of Strava glory, the feet stayed put, and you know from previous physics tutorials by this writer how these things end….not enough velocity! Today’s few cm of cold snow should make a world of difference slowing glide and providing grip with most skis. I suspect it will compress down to a few millimeters so Bucky’s track from Wednesday should still be serviceable I have decided to continue to send these morning predictions, as whimsical and optimistic as they are, but will endeavor to update the website with objective and less blathery info from the trail. So consider checking there before heading out. Bucky will likely head out this afternoon to see if there is enough snow to produce any improvements on the existing track..