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2025 Membership for the Tantramar Outdoor Club is now possible below. Bunny Rabbit Learn-to-ski Program registration is open until December 31, 2024.

Membership fees for 2025 season:

Individual Membership$50
Family Membership (2 adults and all children under 19 years of age)$100

As with many other Canadian cross-country ski and outdoor clubs, TOC uses an online membership registration and race timing service provided by Zone4, run out of Canmore, Alberta.

TOC membership includes registration with Nordic Canada and Cross-Country NB, and liability insurance provided through Cross-Country NB. 

Covid-safe on the trails!

We view membership as a way to sponsor the work of the Tantramar Outdoor Club and its many volunteers in building and maintaining the trails and the two warming huts, and running the Jackrabbit learn-to-ski programs. Apart from donations and an annual grant from the Town of Sackville, membership remains our main source of revenue and helps to cover our operating costs. Annual TOC expenses include $15 per member to Cross-Country NB for liability insurance, purchase of ski equipment for the Jackrabbits to use, and trail grooming costs, such as snowmobile gas, repairs and labour.  Each fall, a team of volunteers maintains, upgrades and expands the network of ski, snowshoe and hiking trails, levelling and raising rough sections, trimming vegetation, and constructing new bridges and boardwalks. TOC funds are spent on grading trail sections, bridge lumber and hardware, cabin repairs, and installing trail signs and markers.