Trail Conditions

Skiing is believing

The Walker Road microclimate comes through again, and that’s why we pay the Physics Dept big bucks to keep it that way! There is about 3-4 cm of dense snow up the hill and skiing is not bad but with the expected bare areas anywhere there is coniferous canopy. Bucky is going to groom Crooked Tree Trail flat later this morning so it may be possible to skate ski there, and the bare spots will be more visible. (After prolonged discussions, with not enough coffee, we decided to leave the rest alone- I think once one or two skiers pass there will be a decent track and this is usually better than just flat grooming which is all that can be done, we think, with the amount of snow). Beech Hill Park is pretty nice with a few stones at the very beginning and end of road heading up to the field which is pretty sweet and a great beginner venue. Be careful coming down the hills counter clockwise on CTT- best to go clockwise where most of the descent is on the ungraveled old wood road. Avoid Quarry Go Round- going up through the Quarry is OK if you loop around to the left after the first wee hill. Cheers,