Bucky is heading out to shortlyto touch up the trails. Best skiing remains at Quarry road entrance. Yesterday still bare and icey spots on Crooked Tree Trail and en route to Doncaster Pond- under those pesky conifers. The board is trying to get conifers labelled an invasive species which were introduced into this neck of the woods during the late Paleozoic era during the reign of the super continent Pangea. We feel that if professor Blaney concurs with our science, we should then be able to begin an eradication program. Barring this we will ski at the Quarry Road, which is not at all invasive. Glide will be a sedate 1.5-2.5 and silken. Grip will be good with anything. If the sun comes out this afternoon there is a small possibility of sticking as temps rise close to zero. Have fun