Trail Conditions

Some Purdy Out There!

Might be a bit tricky skiing today- whilst temps hover around freezing, stickiness may occur again, as it did for some folks yesterday. Once it is above zero for a few hours, there should be enough water in the snow to prevent sticking(actually freezing) to ski bases, but go armed with a scraper for sure. You will also find a lot more new snow up the hill than in Town- there was 7-8 cm obliterating the track yesterday before rain ensued, and I suspect the change over to flurries was earlier there this morning. Bucky and I had another one of our noisey parleys and decided not to groom today- the snow is too sticky. He plans to head out in the morning tomorrow. But despite the lack of a machine track, the beauty that will surround you will completely obliterate any whining from the added effort. Get those cameras loaded with film! Have a wonderful Wednesday.