Trail Conditions

Today’s Forcast

It is predicted that Bucky will be out scratching up the crust again at 0930. Yesterday he made a bit of a track and created loose snow on the side for braking. He will do more of the same and try to get to the wood road on Blue and the Coombs road, out to the View from end of CyPass, as well as LeRond, Glissade, Birches to Shelagh’s Shelter and Red. This will give some good options for less hilly skiing and even if you walk down the occaisional hill will result in pleasant skiing. Glide yesterday was closer to 3 than 3.5 and should be the same today. There are icey patches on the hills to Don Pond and on the Quarry Road above the cable so taking Glissade(or whatever we are going to call it- Christmas Tree Trail, Solitude, Mosaic, Tile Trail, Glissandarelli…(do I sense a naming contest in the works?) up from and down to the Cable may be a better option. Waxless skis will be slowest so will be preferable for the hill averse, and likely give better grip than skins. Zero skis sort of worked yesterday at -1 and should work above freezing today, if you are after best glide. Congratulations to the participants in the Wostawea Loppet at Killarney Lake on Sunday-Here is pic of their joy. Cheers,