The Tantramar Outdoor Club maintains 15 km of winter use ski trails and 10 km of snowshoe/walking trails in the rolling hills above Sackville.
Access Trails & Parking information
To access the TOC trail system, take exit 500 off the Trans-Canada Highway onto Walker Road, and turn away from Beech Hill park.
Reservoir Gate Trails
Reservoir Gate has trails for skiing only during the snow season, as well as trails for snowshoeing and walking year-round. See maps below for full guidelines.
-There is a small parking area provided, otherwise please park with your vehicle facing towards town.
Quarry Road Trails

The Quarry road trails are for skiing only
-The trailhead for the Quarry Road is unmarked and about 3km from the reservoir gate along Walker Road, just past the power line. Please park on the side of the road facing town as pictured.

During the non-snow season, walking is permitted on The Crooked Tree and Ogden Brook Trails that start at the Reservoir gate.
During the snow season walking is only permitted on the snowshoe trails that start at the reservoir gate as The Crooked Tree Trail becomes for skiing only. Please do not walk on the ski trails during the snow season. See maps below for access to the snowshoe trails.
Walking is not permitted year-round on any of the ski trails, (except the Crooked Tree Trail in non-snow season).


During the snow season, the ski trails at the Reservoir gate and Quarry road are open for use and groomed regularly as weather allows.
The ski trails are a mix of easy and intermediate winter-use trails, although trail difficulty depends so much on snow conditions. In fresh, cold snow when going is slow, they are mostly beginner trails, but when conditions are icy, they transform to expert level.
Trails are track-set for classic skiing on a regular basis during the snow season.
Thanks for not walking on any of the ski trails in the snow season.
All trails are two-way trails. Skiers heading downhill have the right of way. Step off to the right to yield and be wary on hills and at corners. Be extra cautious in winter and in inclement weather. There are areas of the trail system with no phone reception.
Use all trails at your own risk.
Warming Huts
There are two warming huts – one on the Crooked Tree Trail, and one half way down the Birches on the Yellow Trail, as well as a lovely shelter at the foot of the Birches. You are welcome to use them. Covid restrictions are posted on the doors.

Trail Maps

Entire Ski Trail System | |
Quarry Road Ski Trails | |
Ogden Brook Snowshoe Trails | |
Reservoir Gate Snowshoe Trails |
all files are PDF
usable for walking during non-snow season (all trails at Crooked Tree Trail)
usable during snow season only
trails for snowshoeing or walking
trails for skiing only

Dogs are welcome all year round on the Ogden Brook Trails, and in the non-snow season, on the Crooked Tree Trails. Please pick up after your pet. Dogs must be on a leash or otherwise under control. Everyone loves their dog but not everyone loves dogs. Thanks for being considerate of other trail users.
Note on Privately Owned Land
The Crooked Tree Trail and Ogden Brook Loop trails are on Town land, and the remainder of our trail system is on private properties whose owners generously permit skiing on their land.